A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | # |
Me and My Guitar (Single) Me and My Guitar (Single)
Guys My Age (Single) Guys My Age (Single)
Something to Remember Something to Remember
A Star Is Born (Soundtrack) A Star Is Born (Soundtrack)
Deep Purple in Rock Deep Purple in Rock
Particulière (Single) Particulière (Single)
Bleed the Sky Bleed the Sky
No Come Down No Come Down
Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
Made in the A.M. Made in the A.M.
Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Bloom Bloom
At Night, Alone At Night, Alone
Dangerously in Love Dangerously in Love
Castles Castles
Переклад пісень на українську мову
Guano Apes

Кар'єра 1994 - 2006, 2009 - дотепер
Місто Ґетінґен
Країна Німеччина