A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | # |
Brave Brave
Evanescence EP Evanescence EP
Beautiful People - Single Beautiful People - Single
Can't Be Tamed Can't Be Tamed
Mercury – Acts 1 & 2 Mercury – Acts 1 & 2
Mind of Mine Mind of Mine
Something to Give Each Other Something to Give Each Other
Immortalized Immortalized
18 18
Rave & Roses Rave & Roses
Die With A Smile Die With A Smile
My Darkest Days My Darkest Days
There Is a Hell, Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It a Secret There Is a Hell, Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It a Secret
Auberge Auberge
Origin of Symmetry Origin of Symmetry
Life thru a Lens Life thru a Lens
Переклад пісень на українську мову
Guano Apes

Кар'єра 1994 - 2006, 2009 - дотепер
Місто Ґетінґен
Країна Німеччина